Today is the day! We are catching up and sharing how our “No Phone Sunday” challenge went. We both had a different experience and it may surprise you what we missed the most during our 24-hour phone fast.
While neither of us had a perfect day, we both walked away with a renewed sense of how important disconnecting from our screens is. At the same time, we also realized that these devices can serve a good purpose in our daily lives.
We highly recommend having a regular “no phone” day and sharing your feedback with us!
Discussion Points:
- The Mission Recap: No Phone For 24 Hours
- How it went for Deb and Cris on “No Phone Sunday”
- Deb’s mega-list of things she would have done if she had her phone
- Was it worth it to do the 24-hour phone fast?
- The pros and cons of “always connected”
- Our key takeaways and what we would have done differently
- Shout out to participants and winners of the Amazon GC giveaway!
- Productivity Lovers Website https://productivitylovers.com/
- Productivity Lovers Facebook https://www.facebook.com/ProductivityLovers
- Organizing Maniacs Website https://organizingmaniacs.com/
- Deb Lee’s Website https://dallisonlee.com/
- Book — Rest: Why You Get More Done When You Work Less https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/29502354-rest
- Productivity Lovers on Instagram https://instagram.com/productivityluv
- Cris Sgrott on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/theorgmaniacs
- Deb Lee on Instagram https://instagram.com/dallisonlee